With an extra four to eight molars the bat-eared fox is well adapted to grinding up the insects that it eats.
The scientific name for the bat-eared fox is Otocyon megalotis, in Greek “megalotis” means “large eared”.
When the bat-eared fox finds its prey it will stand over the exact spot with its ears cupped poised to dig it up.
It is widely considered that the bat-eared fox will mate for life. The pairs are rarely separated other than when one remains in the den caring for the young.
The bat-eared fox uses its large ears like satellite dishes to locate its prey which often lives underground.
The bat-eared fox will launch itself acrobatically into the air to catch flying prey such as winged termites.
The bat-eared fox is named from its 13cm tall ears which are shaped like bat wings.
The bat-eared fox will crush up small birds in its jaws and then swallow them whole including the feathers.