Collective names for birds

Ostrich (Struthio camelus)
It’s not just a flock, in fact there are a variety of words used to describe groups of birds of the same genre such as a paddling of ducks and a cast of falcons. There are many more which can be found in Beat about the bush: Mammals and birds but here are my highlights. Which one is yours?

9 collective nouns for birds ranked by our readers

1. A pride of ostriches

A hen Ostrich with her almost full grown chicks wandering around the plains of the Maasai Mara.

Video length: 1 minute 58 seconds. Video source: Rob the Ranger

2. A wake of vultures

A wake of vultures feed on the remains of an impala lamb which was killed by a Martial Eagle. Video length: 1 minute 31 seconds. Video source: Sabi Sabi

3. A fling of oxpeckers

4. A descent of woodpeckers

5. An exaltation of larks

6. A stand of flamingos

Flamingos gather in their tens of thousands on the edges of Lake Bogoria, a saline, alkaline lake fringed with giezers.

Video length: 2 minutes 52 seconds. Video source: BBC Earth

7. A mustering of storks

8. A company of parrots

9. A paddling of ducks

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What do our readers think is the best collective name for mammals?

The collective names for  birds are good fun, but what about that for mammals, I personally love, an obstinacy of buffalo, but what’s your favourite. Check out 9 mammal collective nouns as ranked by our readers.

Loan buffalo bull

Collective nouns in the English language originated from France. It soon became a hunting tradition of the late Middle Ages to name groups of animals in such an artistic fashion. The first book to be published in English on the subject was the book of St Albans. Printed in 1486 it was subsequently reprinted many times in the 16th Century. A recommended modern day read is James Lipton’s Exaltation of Larks

Vote for the fact you find most fascinating

A wake of vultures

A fling of oxpeckers

A mustering of storks

An exaltation of larks

A stand of flamingos

A paddling of ducks

A descent of woodpeckers

A company of parrots

A pride of ostriches