We met the rest of the group at the top

31st July 2014

The Limpopo River running between South Africa and Zimbabwe. Makuleke concession.

Sunday 27th July 2014

Duncan led this mornings walk, another big one, this time we walked from Sand Pit to Mabayen, the big ridge which overlooks Banyini Pan. It was only 12km but hard slog on another hot day. Five hours after we started we met the rest of the group at the top. They had driven out after having a more leisurely get up. The views along the way and at the top made our efforts worthwhile.

We only made it back to camp for a late lunch which I wolfed down before doing a pick-up at the gate. After that the daylight was almost all gone so I only had some time to do a bit of admin ahead of my departure on Wednesday and a short run.

The final task of the day was to open a bottle of white which Duncan, Jomi and I got stuck into on our deck before joining the rest around the camp fire.