Tests stopped for elephants

30th October 2013

Thursday 17th October 2013

Seeing some of the trees broken down by the elephants in the night was very impressive, they did quite a job on a Marula tree.

From camp we set out on the first part of field observations which went well. After breakfast we then headed back to camp to find that the elephants had been there too.

Lots of the trees stripped and also some of the chairs tossed about, most annoyingly they’d ripped up the water again.

Such a steaming hot day and little sleep the night before meant that camp was like a ghost town with everyone in their tents.

When they did wake up people were grumbling about not being able to shower. That annoyed me too but more because it meant I couldn’t exercise

Back on to the second round of field observation tests which started from camp. Half way through we had to retreat when a herd of eles came through.

Lots of young and some really big bulls, quite a mixed herd. It put the test into perspective although very annoyed to drop 4% right at the end through such a silly mistake. However, pleased with my improvement since the last field test.