Out of my flat

9th August 2013

My panic about finding somebody for my room soon made way for a frenzy of activity. I found someone and they loved the flat but they wanted to be in within six days.

After a week of packing, cleaning and doing admin I’m now of “no fixed abode” and wheeling round my life in a huge cricket bag.

If I had to pack up the whole flat and totally get out, it would have been a nightmare if not impossible. Instead I’ve left all of the contents for the guys to use and simply moved my clothes and personal stuff up into the attic. If I wasn’t a hoarder this would have simply taken an afternoon but I am , it took two afternoons and three nights.

Packing these days is not just objects, it’s the digital world too. A lot of my time was backing up my rickety old computer onto Google Docs and the Photos onto Google+.

The only good thing about being out of the flat this early is that it’s forced me to really get on top of things. I’m virtually packed for the trip and I’ll spend the next three weeks smoothing out any issues. More importantly it means I can spend maximum time with my family and friends. I’m beginning to realise that I’m leaving everybody behind for a year and I’m not liking that prospect one bit.