I couldn’t get to the camera trap

4th July 2014

The trailer loaded for the rubbish run

Thursday 3rd July 2014

Got back to find only Jomi in camp, plus Olivia and Elisa of course. The rest were all on a sleep out. So a pretty chilled out evening. Following a run we got stuck into some Boschendall Blanc, this tasted exceptional, probably given that we’d worked up a sweat.

Cooked some chops on the braai and then set up the laptop up next to the campfire and watched a movie, well half of the “Life of Pi”. I’ve had the luxury of electricity for the last week or so. This has meant I’ve got used to having lights, with which you stay up late. But now back in the bush where there’s no lighting other than the moon, fire and a flickering head torch I was in bed by 20.30.

With no one in camp it was a chance to get on with some chores. First up was the rubbish run before getting on with some painting back in camp. In the afternoon we rewarded ourselves with a short walk. It was an incredibly short walk as we went to the ridges behind Mr BB to pick up my camera trap only to find it surrounded by buffalo. No way we could carry on so we just turned and headed back to the Landy.

Because we’d painted our bathroom it meant we had to use the Assistant Instructors tent for a shower. It’s luxury accommodation for the bush with one small light that’s powered by a solar panel. It makes such a difference.